Children & Families
We accompany children with their parents or grandparents on their journey through 3,000 years of art and cultural history. The museum can be discovered individually or through our extensive family program and special children's events.
Kids at GRASSI
Every Sunday is family time at the Grassimuseum: we want to give families a space to express their creative side during special themed events. KIDS AT GRASSI is a family program from the three museums at GRASSI and is carried out alternately by our museum, the GRASSI Museum of Ethnology and the Musical Instruments Museum.
Mediaguide for children
The app offers various tour suggestions and ralleys through the museum. "Hör und schau" and "Spiel dich schlau" are waiting for children and teenagers. The app is available free of charge at the ticket desk or can be downloaded on your own device from the PlayStore or AppStore.
hör und schau!spiel dich schlau!